MIAA Massachusetts High School Hockey

Bengals vs NB Voke part 2

February 2nd, 2017

2nd matchup for Diman vs NB Voke this year however for the Bengals it was the same result as they fell short with a final of 6-2. NB Voke started their scoring just :17 into the game taking a 1-0 lead .. NB Voke tallied three more goals and had a 4-0 lead at the end of the 1st period. Diman woke up a little as they scored :30 into the second period. Diman was able to add another goal however NB Voke was up for the challenge scoring two of their own goals in the 2nd period bringing it to a 6-2 Nbvoke at the end of two. Both teams battled in a scoreless third period. Jordan Reis in net for Diman with 16 saves .

Previous: Mayflower league

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